Welcome to The Landing 

As a registered clinical counsellor, I work online and in-person with both individuals and couples experiencing relationship problems, depression, grief, anxiety, trauma and PTSD, boundary issues, and physical and/or life challenges to name just a few.

Common issues that emerge in therapy include struggles with life transitions, isolation, identity issues, communication, guilt and shame, decision making, spiritual and/or religious issues, negativity, purposelessness, and family conflict. 

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
― Lao-Tzu

I have had the opportunity to work with a widely diverse clientele from youth to seniors, and of different cultures and backgrounds. As a white, cisgendered woman of European origin, I will endeavour to stay open and curious to your perspective and reality and be especially sensitive with those who feel marginalized, unheard, or under-supported by dominant cultural frameworks.

Together we will explore your inner world, your challenges, desires, and emotional needs. Side-by-side we will identify your strengths and internal resources as you bring new clarity and knowledge to your life journey and integrate newly found aspects of your self. 

Health Precautions: I offer online sessions on Zoom, and in-person sessions in Roberts Creek for existing clients who are feeling well, with no exposure to viral illnesses.

NEW CLIENTS: My practice and waitlist are currently full, please check back to this website for updates on my availability.

CURRENT CLIENTS: I’ve disabled booking online due to administrative issues, however if you see a day/time that works for you, please email me and I’ll book you in.

Please contact us by email or call us at (604) 259-1272. Existing clients may check my schedule here

About Me

Liz James, MEd, RCC

I am a registered clinical counsellor (BCACC), an experienced workshop facilitator, a passionate mental health advocate, and a dedicated lifelong learner. I have 15 + years of combined education and work experience in clinical counselling, mental health support, and group facilitation, as well as 35 years of personal healing and growth work. I believe that we all have a biological drive to reduce our suffering and live life more fully. My life experiences and personal therapeutic journey have proven to me the effectiveness of counselling, and brought a deep respect for those who find the courage to seek change from within. 

My Theoretical Approach

I offer clients a presence that is wrapped in warmth, understanding, compassion, and sincerity. Within a safe, stable relationship the seeds of healing and growth reside, thus my theoretical approach is relational, experiential, and emotion-based. I draw from attachment theories, emotion focused theories, mindfulness and neurobiology. 

As an AEDP level-3 practitioner, I work to undo aloneness by co-creating a safe, authentic and treasured relationship where clients are invited to experience and share moment-to-moment emotions and sensations. Interpersonal connection is privileged and processed; deeper emotions, sensations, thoughts and beliefs are experienced and conceptualized. New perspectives, insights, and truths emerge by integrating deep right brain somatic processes with left-brain understanding. Through this process, clients can experience adaptive nervous system changes, increased positivity, and greater vitality, clarity and hope. 

My Background

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology, and a Masters of Education degree in Counselling Psychology, both from the University of British Columbia. I am a level-3 AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy) practitioner, an EMDR Therapist, and a certified Hatha yoga teacher. I have to date completed over 60 hours of small group supervision of my work, and 35 hours of individual supervision. I continue to embark on training programs offered, and assist in the training of other clinicians in the AEDP community.

I have received advanced training in: 

  • AEDP Essential Skills (AEDP Institute) with Karen Pando-Mars, MFT, Kari Gleiser, PhD, Ben Medley, LCSW – Experiential Assistant 
  • AEDP Core Training (AEDP Institute) with Dale Trimble, MA, RCC, Ron Fredricks, PhD, SueAnne Piliero, PhD, Kari Gleiser, PhD.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Basic Training (Life Journeys Counselling & Training Inc.) with Sue Genest, MSc, RCC, CCC.
  • AEDP Immersion Training (AEDP Institute) with Diana Fosha, PhD, David Mars, PhD, & Karen Pando-Mars, MFT.
  • AEDP for Couples (AEDP Institute) with David Mars, PhD.
  • Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors, (BCACC) Janina Fisher, PhD.
  • Easy Ego State Interventions with or without EMDR, (EMDRIA) Robin Shapiro, LICSW
  • Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (Psychotherapy.net Academy) with Rebecca Jorgensen, PhD.
  • Neurobiological Treatment of Trauma (NICABM) with Ruth Buczynski, PhD, Bessel van der Kolk, MD, Pat Ogden, PhD, Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, & Dan Siegel, MD. 
  • The Basics of Trauma Treatment (Inward Bound Counselling & Focusing Training) with Leslie Ellis, PhD.
  • Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention (Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention of BC). 

In addition to my BCACC membership, I am also a member of the Canadian Psychological Association,  EMDR Canada, and the AEDP Institute.

Professional Registrations

Registered Clinical Counsellor, RCC with BC Association of Clinical Counsellors

The fees for my services are covered by many health care plans. If you have insurance benefits, check your coverage for Registered Clinical Counsellors.

For online support please visit my Resources page

Please contact us by email or call us at (604) 259-1272. Existing clients may check my schedule here

Counselling & Psychotherapy for Individuals

Perhaps you’re feeling isolated and alone. Maybe you find yourself constantly worrying about the future and ruminating about the past. Does your world feel cold and unfriendly? Or perhaps your energy has been flagging lately, and self-critical thoughts and negative beliefs have started to overshadow your life. It could be that important relationships are challenging you, whether you’re a parent, partner, child or friend, and you are struggling to connect with and/or support those you love.  This is the first step towards changing your life and living more fully, and I honour the courage it takes to seek change from within.

With your goals for therapy at the forefront, together we will explore your thoughts, feelings and experiences in a warm, safe, and non judgmental setting.  I will accompany you on your journey inwards with a view on increasing your awareness of how you experience and navigate your world, and explore where you can make changes to lessen your distress.

There are countless reasons to seek counselling support, for example:

  • Struggling to manage emotions such as anxiety, depression, anger, hopelessness, shame, guilt, grief. 
  • Interpersonal issues such as overreacting, shutting down or struggling to stay present and connected with others.
  • Trauma and attachment wounds in your past or present day life.
  • Historical or current experiences of persecution, oppression, stigmatization or racism.
  • Grief and loss  
  • Shame, guilt, or unworthiness
  • Emotional avoidance, disconnection, or detachment
  • Life Transitions
  • Overwhelming stress

Please contact us by email or call us at (604) 259-1272. Existing clients may check my schedule here

Couples Counselling / Marriage Counselling

What seems to us as bitter trials, are often blessings in disguise    – Oscar Wilde

We are all wired to connect; the need to attach to a significant other is innate. However, no one can get under our skin or call us out on our idiosyncrasies as easily as our intimate partner. Relationships can be akin to looking in a mirror and loathing our reflection, and as a result they are a fertile and powerful foundation for gaining awareness, self-acceptance and self-growth.

I work with couples experiencing issues at every stage of relationship. Perhaps you are feeling resentful or alone in your partnership. Maybe you are worrying about committing to a deeper stage in your relationship. Whether you’re facing a sudden crisis or experiencing a growing disconnect, you will find connective, nonjudgmental support.

In a safe therapeutic setting, partners are offered the opportunity to see where their inside feelings and outside behaviours conflict. Spouses can start to understand how unspoken gestures or behaviours speak louder than words. Together, couples are invited to drop below defensive strategies and let each other in. Partners learn to become emotionally responsible, communicate their needs, really hear each other, and support one another in a heartfelt and compassionate way. When we stop shooting poison darts at each other and start accepting and taking responsibility for our own emotions and triggers, we lay the groundwork for empathy, compassion and love to grow.

Couples therapy will help you explore and shed light on previously unseen  negative self-beliefs and defensive behaviours so you can remain anchored to your solid sense of self whilst in relationship with another.

Please contact us by email or call us at (604) 259-1272. Existing clients may check my schedule here



GST is no longer charged on RCC psychotherapy fees

Fees listed are for in-person and online counselling sessions. Fees are paid at the end of each session by cash, e-transfer or credit card, and you will be emailed a detailed receipt.

If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please provide at least 48 hours notice, as we charge the full session fee for missed, rescheduled, or cancelled appointments with less than 48 hours notice. This policy is based on fairness to you, to us, and to other clients who may need that time.

60 minute Individual Therapy Session…………. $170.00

80 minute Individual Therapy Session………….  $227.00

  • Longer therapy sessions allow for deeper exploration and may be useful at the beginning or as needed.                               

60 minute Couples Therapy Session…………… $180.00

90 minute Couples Therapy Session………….. $270.00

  • Allows the time to explore both partners’ perspectives and needs more fully.             

60 minute Family Therapy Session …………… $195.00

90 minute Family Therapy Session …………… $295.00

  • Allows the time to explore all family members’ perspectives and needs more fully.

I offer a limited number of sliding scale sessions, please email to discuss availability.  

The fees for my services are covered by many health care plans. If you have insurance benefits, check your coverage for Registered Clinical Counsellors.

Payment for sessions is made by you and you will be provided a detailed receipt with registration numbers that can be submitted to your insurer for reimbursement if your plan covers Registered Clinical Counsellors.

Health Precautions: I offer online sessions using Zoom, and in-person sessions in Roberts Creek for existing clients who are feeling well, with no exposure to viral illnesses.

For online support please visit my Resources page

NEW CLIENTS: My practice and waitlist are currently full, please check back to this website for updates on my availability.

CURRENT CLIENTS: I’ve disabled booking online due to administrative issues, however if you see a day/time that works for you, please email me and I’ll book you in.

Existing clients may look for available sessions online here

Please contact us by email or call us at (604) 259-1272. Existing clients may check my schedule here